15 Projects Funded by Friends

FVPLcheque1At the VPL Board Meeting of June 25 the Friends of the VPL presented a cheque for $31,500 to Chair, Mary Lynn Baum. Requests large and small are submitted every year from all the branches and Central Library. For 2014 we were able to fully fund all fifteen projects. Major contributions include ongoing support of the Writer in Residence and the Writing and Book Camp and an exciting new initiative at the South West Branches to provide e-book training so that patrons can take a training course close to home. New furniture was purchased to complete the renovations at Kitsilano, for meeting rooms at Fraserview and displays at Joe Fortes, Marpole and Firehall. Many of the projects focussed on programs and supplies for children and teens all over the city, including Lego, games, photography equipment, and puppets.

Click here to see the complete list of funded projects. Thanks to all of our volunteers and supporters who play a vital role in Friends’ ability to raise these funds in support of our Library.