Friends supports new library branch

Friends president Judith Neamtan and past-president Corrine Durston attended the sunny January goundbreaking ceremony for the nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona library branch.

nə́c̓aʔmat ct, meaning “we are one,” recognizes the Coast Salish people and territory and will be the first civic facility in Vancouver to have an aboriginal name. The branch is expected to open in the Spring of 2016.

20150119-Groundbreaking-0013Groundbreaking: VPL Board Chair Mary Lynn Baum, YWCA Metro Vancouver CEO Janet Austin and Mayor Gregor Robertson, shovels in hand.

At the February meeting of the Vancouver Public Library Board, Judith presented VPL with a cheque for $5000 toward the purchase of artwork for the nə́c̓aʔmat ct branch. Friends is proud to be able to make a lasting contribution that will help define the character of Vancouver’s newest library.

FriendsChequePresentationJudith presents Friends donation to VPL Board Chair Mary Lynn Baum

nə́c̓aʔmat ct means “we are one”. Listen to the pronunciation.