2017 Volunteer Brunch

There’s no question that volunteers are at the heart of our organization. Without them we wouldn’t have three great book sales each year or the friendly faces in the book’mark store. We wouldn’t be able to accept donations, send thank you cards or express our support for the Vancouver Public Library either. Literally ever aspect of what we do depends on volunteers.

On February 4, the Friends of VPL board hosted the annual Volunteer Recognition Brunch to celebrate all of the success we’ve had and the people who made it happen. Despite the snow, the turnout was impressive. Volunteers had the chance to mingle with each other, meet board members, and enjoy a scrumptious brunch.

Several longtime volunteers were recognized for their years of service:

Anna Lester, Bruce Thompson, Hugh McNeil and Barry Griblin were all awarded lifetime memberships for their tireless efforts. Anna, Bruce and Hugh can be found at work at all the book sales while Barry can be found behind the scenes ensuring our donated books get sorted.

Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Natalie Brooks for all her work sorting books.

Several volunteers were also recognized for passing the 5 year mark: Eva Sharell and Helen Russell (book sorting), Judith Neamtan (board president), Doris Ecker (book’mark), and Fred Ludwig (book sales).

A heartfelt thank you to all our volunteers!